R&S Shipping



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International freight Forwarder

Colombia paralizado, operación de puerto Buenaventura cancelado

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Noticias RCN conoció un aviso enviado a los agentes internacionales de carga en Colombia donde se notifica, por parte de sus filiales en China, que las navieras Maersk, Cosco, Evergreen, Hamburd Sud, MSC; algunas de las más importantes del mundo, cerraron bookings y reservas para el puerto de Buenaventura, Colombia, debido a la difícil situación que vive actualmente el puerto por …

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Logistics: key to a country’s economic development

Logistics is destined to be the backbone of the country’s development and a driving force for new investments in infrastructure. In the context of trade openness and economic globalization, the development of logistics services is essential to increase competitiveness by reducing costs and time. Integral logistics platforms are the professional way to link supply and …

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Technology management in Logistics

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By Javier Carrizo The crisis caused by COVID-19 is changing the way companies live and work, demanding, increasingly, faster, and more flexible. Depending on this, the logistics sector faces new challenges and needs, since it is one of the most relevant activities for society at this stage where our daily habits are modified and our …

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Let the numbers speak for themselves


Delivered packages

We strongly support best practice sharing across our operations around the world and across various industrial sectors.


Countries covered

As one of the world’s leading supply chain management companies, we design and implement industry-leading solutions.


Tons of goods

Our commitment to sustainability helps us reduce waste and share the benefits with our customers.


"Thank you very much for your update, we appreciate your efficient work."

Angela Henderson Pynchon
CEO, Lerato LTD

Thanks R&S, it's good to know we're in good hands again!

Leo Benderson Linchin
CEO, GeoBoost LTD

“You made every effort to find an option to have the freight in Australia Monday morning 6/12 and followed through all days to keep us updated with the progress.”

Franchesca Barton
CEO, FT-Commerce LTD

“The fantastic team at R&S Shipping freight have helped us out no end. I have saddled them with some impossible tasks and they have worked nice at anything we have thrown at them.”

Howard Fidelstain
CEO, LimPack LTD

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